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Monday, May 31, 2010

Silent Conversations- 10

Angel wrote...

Every time I look at the moon, I think of you.
May be, in your absence, I am trying to search your face in the moon
Come back soon else, take me with you.

Sun Wrote...

Life is empty without that one person in your life...who completes you
Brings meaning to your life...with that person... life makes you feel good, great in fact...
I have found my soul mate in YOU


  1. The person who completes 'you' is a Soul-mate how true!

  2. Yes, very true Swaths... I am nothing without my SOUL MATE...

  3. Pri you are real gem. You wrote this on the very day I'm missing someone really special.

  4. Hey that was a pure coincidence bro. Any ways don't be disheartened. If it is destined to be yours, it will come back to you, if it doesn't, it was never yours... you have something great in store for you. Trust God, his plans are amazing!!!
