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Monday, June 14, 2010

Silent Conversations-14

Sun wrote...

Its a cruel sight to see wave after wave..
Shattering itself against the hard cold rocks...

But little do we know that the rocks and waves are in love with each other..

They try to unite though the destiny has a hard way for them...

The rock appears strong and stays still while the naughty, restless waves persist...
Lashing with love at times and with "Intense" rage..

There comes a time that the rock breaks / becomes smooth
Gradually uniting with its love...

Love..Such a word..which gives life to a lifeless rock
Takes life away from a living person...
Fills your heart with sorrow and pain...
Yet makes you want more of the pain...
Angel,I love you very very very much...

Angel replied...

Love comes with hidden pain, but lets overlook the pain and celebrate our
love for a lifetime....
For me the pain is not the priority, its the person..
"You" are my priority...
The rocks n waves,
The Sun n Angel ,
You n I...
Just so perfect...


  1. What an amazing way of showing intense love between waves and rock nobody would have ever imagined something like this. Ouch!!!!!too good.

  2. Hmmmm the word is "INTENSE"! Thank you for reading babe...
