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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Silent Conversations - 20

Angel: Why is it that whenever I see you, my heart skips a beat?
Sun: It does because your heart is actually with me.
Angel: Why is it that whenever I hear your voice, my pulse rate accelerates?
Sun: It does because your pulse is my vocal chord in your body.
Angel: Why is it that whenever you stand next to me, I break into sweat?
Sun: You break into sweat because, you light me up when you are near me and I heat up.
Angel: Why is it that whenever you smile at me, I forget to breathe for a moment?
Sun: You forget to breathe because my smile is a result of countless breaths I miss, when you look at me.
Angel: Why is it that whenever you finger touches mine, I feel an instant chill running down my spine?
Sun: It is because you run a current through my body which is transferred to you through that simple yet special touch.
Angel: Why is it that whenever you aren’t near me, my eyes search for you?
Sun: It is because I am hiding in your heart, playing hide and seek with you
Angel: Why is it that every single moment, my soul yearns for you?
Sun: It is because, we complete each other my soul…love you... eternally.

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