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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I don't miss you!!!

(Dedicated with Love to a long lost pal)

With every single drizzle,
When the rain drops sizzle,
I don’t miss you…

With every cool breeze,
When there is a lovely haze,
I don’t miss you…

When “Sunshine” is bright,
When there is day full of light,
I don’t miss you…

When nostalgia knocks,
When memory chokes,
I don’t miss you…

‘Coz, I carry you in my heart,
I can never let you part.
You are never dead,
You are never out of my head...
I carry your love with me
Forever this way it be.

You still smile, live and dream in me, as a part of me.
I don’t miss you…
You will live, as long as I breathe...
I just don’t miss you!!!


  1. Too.....gud no words to say...I guess sometimes its difficult to put it in words.

  2. Thanks a ton Swathu n Srini:)
